Monday, December 7, 2009

Fed. Forclosure Program Isn't Working

Just how badly is President Obama's $75 billion foreclosure program working out? Consider these newly-released numbers: Out of every 100 homeowners who came to JPMorgan Chase for help under the program, just 15 have or will likely receive a permanent payment reduction.

What happened to the other 85? For every 100 trial plans initiated from April through September 2009 under the Home Affordable Modification Program:

  • 29 borrowers did not make all required payments under their trial plan;
  • 20 borrowers did not submit all documents required for underwriting;
  • 31 borrowers submitted all required documents but the documents did not meet HAMP underwriting standards, due to such things as missing signatures or nonstandard formats;
  • 4 borrowers were or are likely to be rejected for undisclosed reasons;
  • 1 borrower will not or is not likely to get their payment lowered.

The data comes from the prepared remarks bank officials plan to make Tuesday before the House Financial Services Committee. The testimony was posted Monday on the committee's website.

It adds up to a brutal illustration of just how the HAMP program, which is supposed to reduce troubled homeowners' monthly payments to 31 percent of their income, is failing.

In October testimony before the Elizabeth Warren-led Congressional Oversight Panel, Herbert M. Allison Jr., the Treasury Department's assistant secretary for financial stability, reluctantly admitted that Treasury had internally forecast that "up to 75 percent" of trial modifications would achieve permanent status.

The watchdog panel had expressed early doubts about the program's ultimate success, noting that as of Sept. 1, only 1,711 homeowners had received a permanent modification, less than two percent of those eligible at the time.

The administration set a three-year goal of offering 3 to 4 million homeowners lower mortgage payments through a modification. But, looking at JPMorgan Chase, with 85 percent of those who actually apply for the modifications being denied, that's just not going to happen.

Meanwhile, foreclosures continue to mount. The number of delinquent borrowers continues to set record highs. Wall Street, however, expects to receive bonuses not seen since the height of the credit bubble.

Story continues below

JPMorgan Chase offers reasons for the program's failings. They all point to the Obama administration.

For one, the administration is directly responsible for a good chunk of the homeowners being improperly rejected for the program, according to Chase. How?

The government created a formula to guide mortgage servicers in their modification efforts. After plugging the variables into this formula, the result is supposed to tell servicers whether the troubled loan's owner would make more money through modification. If so, the servicer is required to modify. But according to Chase, the government's formula is flawed, as it overstates the chances for re-default. Because of this, Chase argues, up to 25 percent of homeowners are wrongly missing out on the program.

The formula's shortcomings have been extensively reported on, most notably by the nonprofit investigative journalism organization ProPublica.

The problem is not isolated to Chase. "The rates for converting trial modifications into permanent that we are hearing from servicers and Treasury are simply not where they need to be," said Richard H. Neiman, New York's top bank regulator and a member of the Congressional Oversight Panel. "We have anecdotal evidence that consumers continue to face major issues with servicers such as JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America losing their documentation or not clearly explaining the modification process to begin with."

He continued: "The concerns that the program is facing go well beyond disappointing servicer performances at this point, though. While Treasury is implementing recommendations that we have been calling for, such as streamlining the documentation process and creating an online portal for tracking and submitting documents, the reality is that many of these measures will not be fully in place until March 1, after the deadline for many of these trial modifications. Add that to an increasing unemployment rate and a rise in prime mortgage foreclosures and we can clearly see that the program as it is cannot keep up with the pace of today's economic reality."

Neiman is calling for a new program. "The housing crisis began with borrowers who received inappropriate and unsustainable subprime loans. But as the recession lingers, prime borrowers with loans that are otherwise affordable are increasingly at risk of foreclosure due to job loss or other temporary hardship," he said. "I therefore continue to urge Treasury to develop a foreclosure prevention program to assist responsible homeowners while they get back on their feet using bridge loans to help through the difficult period, and engaging the states to help."

The Congressional Oversight Panel will release its latest report on the administration's program on Wednesday. It's expected to find serious shortcomings in the $75 billion effort, sources say.

And at the panel's hearing on Thursday, Neiman said he intends to question Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner "regarding the reasons behind these unexpectedly low conversion rates and the possibility of using TARP funds to support emergency mortgage assistance programs, such as the bridge loans, at the state level."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Supreme Court to Hear Jeffrey Skilling's Appeal

SAN FRANCISCO (WSJ MarketWatch) -- The Supreme Court will consider an appeal from former Enron Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey Skilling, according to media reports Tuesday. Skilling, who lost a lower court appeal on all 19 counts in 2006, was sentenced to 24 years in prison for his role in the downfall of the energy trader in 2001. Enron was the largest U.S. bankruptcy at the time.

Chicago Cubs Bankrupt

Tribune declared bankruptcy in December and is now trying to sell the Cubs to the billionaire Ricketts family. The Cubs' bankruptcy filing is intended to make sure that the club's new owners are not liable for claims from creditors of Tribune.
It is the first time that a Major League Baseball club has declared bankruptcy since the Baltimore Orioles in 1993.

Tribune is to sell 95% of it, together with a 25% stake in sports television network Comcast SportsNet Chicago for $823m to the family of Joe Ricketts, founder of the online brokerage TD Ameritrade. The sale was approved last week by the owners of the other 29 Major League Baseball clubs and is expected to be completed by the end of October.

Tribune, which will keep the remaining 5%, has owned the Cubs since 1981, when it bought the franchise for $20.5m from the confectioner Wrigley's, the name of which is still carried by the team's stadium, Wrigley Field.

The Cubs are notorious for not having won baseball's championship, the World Series, for 101 years, making it the longest title drought in US sport.

Dollar Declines to Weakest Level Since Before Lehman Bankruptcy

Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar declined to the weakest level against the euro since before the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., unwinding gains posted when the plunge in global financial markets spurred demand for safety.

Brazil’s real and Norway’s krone rose on speculation carry- trade investors bought higher-yielding assets at the expense of the greenback. The dollar’s decline helped push gold to a record high and oil above $74 a barrel for the first time since August. The pound fell to a six-month low against the euro on bets the Bank of England’s asset-purchase program will expand.

“Carry is king, and the dollar seems to be the currency choice for carry,” said Warren Hyland, a money manager in London at Schroder Investment Management Ltd., which oversees about $200 billion in assets.

The U.S. currency depreciated 0.4 percent to $1.4825 per euro at 11:01 a.m. in New York, from $1.4773 yesterday, after trading at $1.4876, the weakest level since Aug. 22, 2008. The euro was little changed at 132.81 yen. The dollar decreased 0.2 percent to 89.67 yen, from 89.82.

The dollar’s decline versus the euro accelerated after earlier breaching $1.4850, a level last touched a week after Lehman collapsed on Sept. 15, 2008. The dollar reached an 18- month high of $1.2330 on Oct. 28, 2008, as investors bought Treasury bills to weather the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The dollar lost 17 percent since then.

One central bank bought “a lot of euros” today, said Scott Ainsbury, who helps manage about $9 billion in currencies at FX Concepts Inc. in New York, adding that “the weak dollar trend” will be extended. More

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How to Find a Lawyer

Choosing an attorney can be a daunting task. Knowing what kind of lawyer you need and how much is a reasonable fee is often very difficult to determine without prior knowledge. Here’s a brief guide to selecting the best lawyer for your legal matter.

It is always a good idea to obtain a recommendation of friend or associate who has had dealings with an attorney. A friend's past experience can reveal whether your experience with an attorney will be a good one. If you can’t find a friend to make a referral, you should contact a local or county bar association. For a nominal fee of $10-35, the bar association will refer you to one or several attorneys appropriate for your legal matter.

Most attorneys will spend 10-20 minutes on the phone with you to determine your legal problem and advise you whether they can handle your case. Most attorneys will not offer legal advice over the phone or during an initial consultation, mainly because the attorney does not have all of the information needed to adequately analyze and recommend a course of action in a phone conversation or initial consultation.

Most attorneys will also refuse to guarantee the outcome of your legal matter; this is a good thing. Legal cases usually involve variables (judges, witnesses, juries, quality of evidence, etc.) that can never be fully be accounted for until after a legal case has been tried and concluded. You don’t want an attorney who promises you an outcome because he’s gambling with your hard earned money and has a 50/50 chance of losing.

You can call several attorneys, general practitioners or specialists, in your problem area and select one based on your conversation and comfort level. The attorney should state his hourly fee. If the attorney requires a retainer of over $1,000, the attorney must provide a written retainer agreement or letter of engagement for your review and signature.

You should ask for the approximate time it will take to resolve your case, however you should understand that any time given in an approximation because of the variables listed above.

Attorneys in Ford Settlement Get $25 Million

Attorneys in the Ford Motor Company litigation related to the Explorer rollover scandal of the 1990s obtained approximately $25 million in attorneys fees and costs. This complex litigation matter clogged the Sacramento County Superior Court's overburdened calendar for more than seven years.

Of the 1 million consumers covered by the class action lawsuit filed in their name, none of the consumers got money, only discount coupons toward new Ford purchases.

Sacramento County Superior Court Judge David De Alba authorized the settlement of a class action that lawyers argued could be worth as much as $500 million to people who owned Ford Explorers during the 1990s. De Alba awarded the lawyers $25 million in fees and expenses after presiding over a 50-day trial without a jury in 2007. The case settled before the judge reached a verdict.

In exchange for dropping the lawsuit that alleged rollover problems unfairly diminished the resale value of Explorers, Ford customers could receive a $500 discount coupon toward the purchase of a new SUV or a $300 coupon to buy another Ford vehicle. Consumers had until April 29, 2008 to apply for the coupons. A report filed with the court in June showed just 75 coupons have been redeemed for a combined $37,500.

"This coupon is valueless to me," said Stephen Webber, a Glendale lawyer who owns a 1998 Explorer and qualified for the discounts. "It did nothing to improve the safety of my vehicle, and I have no intentions of buying a new one."

The lawyers who represented Webber and the million other SUV owners argue that they did the best they could with a complicated case vigorously fought by Ford's phalanx of high-priced attorneys. They said that in the fall of 2007 when the case settled, there was a chance Ford would file for bankruptcy, wiping out the case and leaving consumers with nothing.

In a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press by the class action firm Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann, & Bernstein on behalf of the five firms who sued Ford, the lawyers noted that they also forced Ford to stop touting the Explorer's safety features and make a $950,000 donation to nonprofit auto-safety groups, which they said benefits their clients. They said they spent $6 million of their own money and thousands of hours fighting Ford.

"Class counsel were surprised and, of course, disappointed by the low redemption rate which undoubtedly was affected by the near-collapse of the economy just as the period to redeem vouchers began," the lawyers said. "The real story here is Ford's failure to take responsibility for producing a vehicle, the 1991-2001 model year Explorer, that has killed hundreds of consumers over the past 18 years."

Ford spokeswoman Kristen Kinley said the settlement prevented the company from discussing the case.

"We are pleased to have finally settled this case with the plaintiffs and to finally put this behind us," Kinley said. "We are also pleased to hear that some people took advantage of the vouchers to purchase a new Ford Explorer."

The judge in the Ford case, at the urging of several lawyers objecting to the original settlement, required the class action attorneys to file a report this year detailing the redemption rates. That report, which highlighted the dismal consumer participation, is expected to be considered by other judges pondering coupon settlements across the country.

The Ford case stands out even against the backdrop of endless debate over class action litigation where lawyers get multi-million-dollar paydays for settlements that have minimal value for most of their clients.

The Ralph Nader-founded Center for Auto Safety in Washington D.C. expressed outrage and tried to stop the settlement last year. Several others also urged the judge to withhold approval before dropping their opposition in exchange for the donation to auto safety nonprofits and the requirement that coupon redemptions be reported.

"The reality is that class members are almost totally irrelevant and the lawyers are in charge," said McGeorge Law School professor John Sims who worked for Nader's Public Citizen Litigation Group. "But this was a stupid case that included a requirement to buy a new car within a year."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

$80 Million in Legal Fees for GM

Weil, Gotshal & Manges, Jenner & Block, and Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn have filed their applications for employment as counsel to General Motors in the troubled automaker's Chapter 11 case. The filings show that GM has paid more than $80 million in fees to the three firms over the past six months.

As lead bankruptcy counsel to GM, Weil has the lion's share of the billings at more than $54 million accrued during that period. That's roughly equivalent to the $55 million that Weil billed bankrupt Lehman Brothers between September 2008 and January 2009.

Weil bankruptcy partners Stephen Karotkin, Harvey Miller, and Joseph Smolinsky appear on the filing. The firm states that partners advising GM are billing between $650 and $950 per hour with associates billing at hourly rates between $355 and $640. Weil was paid a $5.9 million retainer, part of which it intends to apply to "any outstanding amounts" that were "not processed through [Weil's] billing system" prior to the firm being retained as bankruptcy counsel.

In an addendum listing current and former firm clients, Weil revealed that only annual fees paid to the firm by Lehman Brothers, General Electric, Microsoft, Citigroup, AIG, and private equity firm Thomas H. Lee Partners exceeded 1 percent of the firm's annual gross revenue. According to Am Law 100 financial data, Weil had more than $1.2 billion in gross revenues for 2008. Full story

Monday, June 8, 2009

Twitter Sued for Hosting Fake Page

Cardinal’s manager Tony La Russa sued Twitter last month in a California state court in San Francisco. La Russa’s suit alleges that Twitter allowed a user to maintain a page under his name without his permission. He complains that many posts were vulgar and included off-color statements about Darryl Kile and Josh Hancock, two Cardinals who died during La Russa's tenure.

La Russa argues in his complaint that the impersonation was “derogatory and demeaning,” and damaged to his brand. He seeks unspecified damages and that the page be shut down. For more coverage, click here.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cravath, Bryan Cave in Hedge Fund Tax Fraud Scam

Federal prosecutors today unsealed an indictment charging the chief executive of what used to be one of the world's largest investment funds with constructing elaborate tax shelters for some of his wealthiest clients. The executive, Jeffrey Greenstein, former head of the Seattle-based fund Quellos Group, and two other defendants (including a Quellos in-house lawyer) face 18 counts related to tax evasion and fraud for a scheme that netted them $86 million in fees and allowed six clients to avoid paying about $400 million in federal taxes, according to the indictment.

What's interesting for our purposes is that the indictment details how lawyers from Cravath, Swaine & Moore and Bryan Cave blessed the shelters with letters indicating to the taxpayers that they were legal and would withstand scrutiny from the Internal Revenue Service. (The firms are identified as C.S.M. and B.C. in the indictment, but two sources familiar with the matter confirm they are Cravath and Bryan Cave. In addition, a 2006 Congressional investigation mentioned the role the two firms played in the Quellos tax shelters, and at least one lawyer, Lewis Steinberg, then of Cravath and currently at Linklaters, testified before a Congressional subcommittee.)

Those sources say it is extremely unlikely the named firms or their lawyers will be charged with any crime, and the indictment accuses Greenstein and the other defendants of lying to outside firm lawyers in order to get those attorneys to bless the tax shelters.

The scheme involved the creation of sham offshore funds that would engage in fabricated money-losing securities transactions in order to produce fictitious capital losses, according to the indictment. Greenstein and Charles Wilk, an in-house lawyer at Quellos, provided the "C.S.M." and "B.C." lawyers with documentation outlining what appeared to be legitimate operations, the indictment says. Full story

Kilpatrick Slashes Associate Salaries

AM Law Daily reports that the law firm of Kilpatrick Stockton acknowledged it is cutting associate salaries by 10 percent across all of its offices. Associates in Atlanta and North Carolina, meanwhile, will see their pay drop to $130,000, while those in New York and Washington, D.C. will take a cut from $160,000 to $145,000, the story says. The firm, which has 200 associates and saw a 7.4 percent jump in profit per partner in 2008, will give associates the chance to earn back the lost salary in bonuses that will be contingent on hitting billable-hour targets. The salary cuts go into effect July 1 and are expected to save the firm about $1.75 million by the end of the year, the Daily Report says.

SEC (Finally) Charges Former Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo; Irell to Lead Defense

The wait is over: On Thursday the Securities and Exchange Commission charged former Countrywide Financial Corp. chief executive officer Angelo Mozilo--the most visible villain of the subprime mortgage meltdown--with securities fraud and insider trading. It also, according to Legal Times, brought securities fraud charges against Countrywide's former COO David Sambol and former CFO Eric Sieracki. Full story

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Corporate America Chooses Small Law Firms

It's much more common these days for big companies to hire small firms than it was, say, 20 years ago, general counsel say. Why? Technology has helped level the playing field. That means legal departments no longer have to rely solely on big firms to handle their company's litigation. "We hire lawyers, not law firms," says Rich Baer, general counsel at Denver-based telecom Qwest Communications International, Inc. "Everyone says that. You hear it all the time. But we really do."

There are many other reasons why smaller firms appeal to companies. For one thing, they appreciate the typically lower rates they charge. And small firms are often more willing to negotiate alternative fee agreements, a key advantage in today's troubled economy. Plus, small firms are less likely to be bedeviled by the conflicts that the large firms, with large client portfolios, increasingly have.

But it's not all about money. Small law firms can be more flexible to meet their clients' needs, whatever they are. Cases are more likely to be handled by experienced litigators who make themselves available around the clock, rather than by first-year associates. "You give them the best you've got, and you give it to them quick," says Ricardo Cedillo of Davis, Cedillo & Mendoza, a firm in San Antonio with 20 attorneys that has handled cases for E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company for ten years. "You give them value."

It comes as no surprise that technology has helped tech colossus Cisco System, Inc., work more efficiently with more small law firms. Outside counsel for the maker of Internet networking equipment have access to computer software programs that let them share information and coordinate legal strategies, says general counsel Mark Chandler.

For example, lawyers at big and small firms alike have access to a software program that contains information about every patent matter at the San Jose-based company. "There really isn't any coordination issue we haven't mastered by technology," Chandler says. "We now have the ability to equally manage small firms."

Today, most of the 200 outside law firms Cisco hires have fewer than 100 attorneys, Chandler says. Bialson Bergen & Schwab, a Palo Alto firm with ten attorneys, handles collections cases. And Boston-based Cesari and McKenna, with about 20 attorneys, works on patent prosecution matters.

Lawyers at Cesari and McKenna say they regularly use Web-based networking programs to talk to inventors at Cisco about their work. Inventors in Palo Alto, for example, can pull up documents or PowerPoint presentations on their computers, and they will simultaneously appear on the lawyers' computers in Boston. "That's been a tremendous savings and help for us," says managing partner Michael Reinemann.

Chandler is quick to say he doesn't hire firms just because they're small. Big firms do plenty of good work for Cisco, too. But Cisco has "found a very efficient way to get the benefits of scale, without the cost," Chandler says.

General counsel at high-tech companies aren't the only ones leveraging technology to make better use of small firms. DuPont hires about 41 outside firms, and about a third have fewer than 100 attorneys, says general counsel Thomas Sager. Walnut Creek, California-based Glynn & Finley, with fewer than ten attorneys, handles product liability cases, for example. New York-based Leader and Berkon, with fewer than 20 attorneys, handles a wide variety of cases.

All those lawyers have access to an online tool that lets them share documents and information. DuPont's legal department, in turn, uses the tool to track litigation, spot redundancies, and allocate budget resources more efficiently. Now DuPont can and does hire different small firms to handle various aspects of a single big case. "They understand this is a whole different way of approaching our legal work," Sager says.

Lawyers at small firms say that the approach works for them. "You're able to stay much more current with what's going on everywhere," says Lawrence Abbott of New Orleans-based Abbott Simses, a 16-lawyer firm that's been working for DuPont for decades, primarily handling product liability, mass tort, and commercial disputes.

Technology may open the door to small firms, but their willingness to be flexible, especially when negotiating fees, keeps their clients coming back. James Leader of Leader & Berkon says his firm negotiates flat fees, as many firms do these days. But sometimes a portion of the firm's flat rate is held back when a case is accepted. If Leader & Berkon gets the results a client like DuPont wants, the company pays what was set aside, and maybe more. If the firm doesn't get a favorable result, the company keeps what was set aside. "We're basically betting on our ability to achieve a good result for our client," Leader says.

Service is key, too. Cardinal Health, Inc., for example, typically hires large firms. Two years ago the Dublin, Ohio, health care company took a chance on a smaller firm and hired Cleveland-based Benesch Friedlander, and usually works with the firm's small Columbus branch. It was a wise decision, says Wendy Hufford, chief litigation counsel. One of the firm's lawyers worked as a full-time employee in the company's legal department so he could learn how the global manufacturer and distributor of medical supplies operated. Secondments aren't unusual, but the firm didn't even charge hourly rates.

"It was a benefit to have him at cost," Hufford says. "And it tells me the firm is committed to the relationship."

Small firms are also less likely to have conflicts of interest. That's often an issue for multinational companies like DuPont, which makes everything from car paint to genetically modified seeds. "Big firms have represented pretty much everyone they can represent," says Susan Hackett, general counsel for the Association of Corporate Counsel.

But one of the most important advantages for small firms is their willingness to do whatever it takes to please clients, from being available at 3 a.m. to making sure that experienced litigators handle their cases. They offer a personal touch that's sometimes hard to find at big law firms. Small firms "are dependent on companies like DuPont, and work the relationship very hard," Sager says.

For example, GCs say that attorneys at small firms are more likely to handle their clients' cases from start to finish, and not delegate most of the work to a first-year associate. Companies also know that the lawyer they want will be available whenever needed, and "take it upon themselves in every case to make sure the fit is right and the person who is assigned to the task can meet our expectations," Sager adds.

Sometimes a small firm like Glynn & Finley will even decide not to accept a case if a client could be disappointed for any reason, partner Clement Glynn says. That honesty in turn builds trust, and the firm's client base. "We get a lot more business later on by saying no," Glynn says. "It's surprising how much that pays off."

And often, outside counsel at small boutique firms simply know the client better. Qwest general counsel Rich Baer in Denver says that his company often hires the small local firm of Steese & Evans because its rates are reasonable. But there's more: Partner Chuck Steese was once a litigation lawyer at Qwest. "He just knows this stuff inside and out," Baer says. "I know Chuck is every bit as good as any lawyer we can hire. We don't need to use a brand name."

Small firms simply can't deliver mediocre work, says Steese. Corporations have too many options to settle for less than the best. "If you do poor work, why should they call you back?" Steese says. "You have to be willing to work. If they are an early riser, you have to be, too."

Early risers or not, in this deepening recession, some of the few people who seem to be sanguine about the foreseeable future are lawyers at these small corporate firms. They predict that they'll attract more corporate clients in the months ahead. "We haven't felt any effects of the downturn in the economy," Davis, Cedillo partner Ricardo Cedillo says. "We're about to get busier and busier."

Amy Miller
Corporate Counsel
April 01, 2009

Did compliance programs fail the test during the financial industry meltdown?

In a speech last November, Christopher Cox spoke out on the importance of compliance. In his waning months as chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, during which he was regularly criticized for failing to enforce the rules, Cox noted: "In a profit-and-loss-driven world, there is always a risk that companies facing an uncertain economic future may choose to cut compliance expenses as a shortsighted way to save money." Big mistake, he admonished: "You can't have a strong company without strong compliance."

Cox got no argument from his audience of chief compliance officers. But the rest of us may be forgiven for wondering what the compliance officers, and the risk officers, and the ethics officers were doing at the financial services firms when their colleagues were placing those dangerous wagers. Weren't all those internal controls supposed to protect companies from catastrophe?

They didn't stop Countrywide Financial Corporation from pumping out subprime mortgages that its own compliance staffers called "liar loans." They didn't prevent Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., from gobbling up those mortgages, and bundling them into bonds like those now infamous collateralized debt obligations. Both companies are now part of Bank of America Corporation, which snapped them up when their stock prices were in free fall-a result of, among other things, those large, risky bets.

They weren't alone, of course. All the subprime outfits landed with a thud. Many large financial institutions, which at first made a fortune from CDOs, in the end weren't much better off than the mortgage shops. Some, like Lehman Brothers, were worse. There's more than enough blame to go around. Some commentators pointed to the SEC changing a rule in 2004 to expand the amount of debt that banks could carry. Others cited Congress's 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which threw open banks' doors to investment banking.

At press time there was a widespread expectation that new laws and regulations were coming. But just as no law can stop the Bernard Madoffs of this world from committing fraud, no law can prevent risky behavior or bad business decisions. And there were certainly more than enough of those. So, while all eyes turn to Washington to set new rules, it seems like a good time for members of the business and legal community to ask themselves some hard questions.

They may want to start with these: Where were the compliance, ethics, and risk departments? Why weren't they able to prevent disaster? In our own search for answers, we looked for examples from the meltdown that highlight both problems and solutions. We were struck by the many ways in which compensation is structured to reward bad behavior-not just by the CEO but down the hierarchy. We found that building an ethical culture can take years to accomplish, and that success often depends on the extent to which executives empower the employees responsible.

Nowhere did this seem clearer than at Countrywide, which was the nation's largest single family mortgage originator. But here's a surprise: In the years before its slide, Countrywide was a company that actively invested not just in subprime mortgages but-are you ready?-ethics. And it seemed to be making progress, according to Tim Mazur, who was an ethics officer there and is now the COO of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association in Waltham, Massachusetts. In fact, had the company started the process sooner, it just might have survived, Mazur says.

But changing a company's culture isn't easy. Speaking to an audience of lawyers at a Practising Law Institute seminar last summer, Mazur said: "I don't know if in your community there are people who win cases by being clever and finding some trick." In the subprime industry, he said, plenty of people saw underwriting guidelines as "obstacles to overcome." And those who beat the system were rewarded with big parties. To them, ethics training was neither a wake-up call nor an impediment-it was a joke.

Lesson One:

Misaligned Comp Mangles Companies

Countrywide is a case study in misaligned compensation. Top execs were rewarded in ways that didn't promote the long-term interests of the company. So were lower-level employees. And in recent years a crucial link between the quality of the work and the company's revenues was severed.

It started at the top with CEO (and cofounder) Angelo Mozilo. The Corporate Library, which researches and reports on corporate governance, began criticizing the mortgage company in 2004, when it was a Wall Street darling with a surging stock price.

What did the Corporate Library notice? The CEO's pay package. Mozilo took home more than $140 million in 2005 and more than $100 million in 2006 even as the share price started to tank, according to a Corporate Library report. It wasn't only that he was among the most highly paid executives in its surveys. He also was guaranteed both a pay raise each year and a hefty stock option grant. Where his compensation was tied to performance, it wasn't the long-term sort that governance consultants recommend; his bonus was calculated in part by the rise in the stock price from the previous year.

Why make such a big deal over pay? Nell Minow, The Corporate Library's cofounder, says that CEO comp is "overwhelmingly" the most consistent predictor of poor performance. As her Countrywide report explained: "Any board which can make such poor decisions about a CEO's compensation package is almost certain to be making poor decisions elsewhere in its range of responsibilities." In fact, all the companies that received bailout funds to date were rated D or F by her group, ratings based in large part on skewed executive compensation, she adds.

Mozilo responded to the criticism when he testified before a congressional committee in March 2008, two months after Bank of America agreed to acquire Countrywide. "As our company did well, I did well," he said. His stock sales were planned for his retirement, and he didn't receive bonuses in 2007 and 2008, after the company reported losses, he said.

But Mozilo aside, the structure down the chain also rewarded bad behavior. Managers' bonuses were based on revenue, and in recent years Countrywide's big revenue producer was subprime mortgages. So they had a special incentive to favor that market. Loan officers did, too, because they were paid larger commissions for pushing these loans.

Why were they especially lucrative? Borrowers were charged higher rates for them than for prime mortgages because the loans were riskier. And Countrywide, based in Calabasas, California, sold these loans for a nice profit to investment banks like Merrill, which in turn bundled and sold them as CDOs. Between 2004 and 2007, Countrywide originated $150 billion in subprime mortgages-the most in the industry-helping vault it into the Fortune 100.

So managers were hot to move them. Some pressured loan officers to steer customers into subprimes, even when borrowers had good credit and would be better off with a prime. The practice may not have been illegal, but it was certainly unethical. One manager was actually fired in 2004 after loan officers complained and chief ethics officer Richard Wentz recommended that he be terminated. In an e-mail the manager circulated to his charges (which was quoted in the Los Angeles Times), he warned: "We will not make money if we don't do Subprime PERIOD." Though this group of loan officers stood up to the pressure, their own commissions were another incentive to do the wrong thing. According to Tim Mazur, who began his two-and-a-half-year stint as an ethics officer in 2004, loan officers at the subprime shops often were paid commissions that were 40 percent higher for subprime loans.

One additional factor affected the subprime business. Loan officers once had a direct financial interest in ensuring that borrowers were matched with appropriate loans, and weren't saddled with too large a load. As explained in the book Chain of Blame: How Wall Street Caused the Mortgage and Credit Crisis, by journalists Paul Muolo and Mathew Padilla, when a borrower defaulted in the old days, there were consequences. As one former loan officer told the authors: "If a home loan went bad . . . I had to get all that fucking money back for my boss, or it was my job." It was the old-fashioned version of a clawback.

That kind of direct accountability no longer exists. In recent years, mortgage companies sold the loans before problems could develop. And even when they surfaced later, and an investment bank demanded that a mortgage company repay bad loans, the volume of lending was so great that it wasn't worth tracking down and digging through the data to hold loan officers responsible.

Countrywide's compliance officers were supposed to ensure that loans met the company's underwriting guidelines. But they, too, were under constant pressure. As recounted in Chain of Blame, over time the company's standards eroded to the point where a loan was deemed compliant as long as a borrower stated an income within the guidelines and had a decent credit rating. Not only did loan officers not verify income, sometimes they coached the borrowers on what to say, knowing that the statements were false. That's how they came to be called liar loans.

Lesson Two:

You Don't Build an Ethical Culture in a Day (or Year)

Many companies launched ethics and compliance programs in the 1990s, after the Federal Sentencing Guidelines stiffened penalties for corporate misbehavior and advised that punishment be more severe for companies that did not have effective programs. (A change in the Federal Acquisition Regulations that took effect in March will require many companies to extend ethics training. It requires companies that have done $5 million of business with the government-not annually but lifetime-to provide ethics training to their suppliers, too.)

At the time Mazur was hired, in 2004, Countrywide's ethics program was just gearing up, Mazur says, even though it was formally launched in 1998. Mazur isn't a lawyer (he earned an MBA), but he and the ethics department reported to one. Wentz, the chief ethics officer, was a deputy general counsel.

The roles of ethics officers and compliance officers at Countrywide were distinct. Compliance officers had long checklists to ensure that employees were following the rules and regulations. Were loan officers adhering to underwriting standards? Had background checks been performed on the loan brokers the company also employed?

The ethics program was supposed to communicate the rules that employees were expected to abide by. Ethics officers were charged with ferreting out misconduct-including but not limited to illegal behavior-and guiding the company's response.

Mazur's job was to create and communicate policies. He trained the 80 executives-from Mozilo down to the managing directors-face-to-face. (Annual training for the balance of the 60,000 employees was online.) He ran the information intranet site, and he managed the hotline that employees could call with anonymous complaints. The volume and nature of these calls helped him assess and respond to risks. The annual budget was less than $1 million-not large, given the company's size, he says. But for the most part the company had "a good attitude."

Over time, however, the momentum seemed to flag. It was harder to be heard. "I got frustrated," he says. He'd completed phase one: laying the basic infrastructure. Phase two would be building skills, which he calls the real training: "I kept pushing. And they got frustrated. My manager was less and less happy with me."

Mazur was laid off in 2006. What he didn't know then is that Countrywide executives already had much to concern them. Competition in the subprime market peaked that year, as Merrill Lynch ramped up. And signs of problems also began to surface. Liar loans were increasingly common throughout the industry, delinquent loan payments were growing, and by late 2006 the first subprime shop filed for bankruptcy.

Two-and-a-half years wasn't long enough, Mazur says, for him to complete the job: "I absolutely believe Countrywide would exist today if it had had a best practices ethics department ten years ago." They were able to take an incipient program and put it on solid footing. But insinuating it into the fabric of an organization takes time. "You have to build a program the same way you build a product line," he says. "It's like research and development."

Lesson Three:

Empowerment Is More than a Nice Word

There are plenty of instances of compliance/ethics/risk departments flagging misbehavior at their companies-to no avail. A vivid example was highlighted in a complaint brought last year by New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo against the Swiss bank UBS AG over its disclosures about auction-rate securities. These were securities such as municipal bonds priced periodically by auctions that, unbeknownst to investors, UBS sometimes propped up through its own purchases. Yet, while financial advisers told clients they were completely liquid "cash equivalents," for months the bank's risk management officers sent e-mails to the trading desk warning that the bank couldn't sustain them. When the bank finally pulled the plug in February 2008, the market collapsed and clients' assets were frozen-until lawsuits convinced the bank to make clients whole. (UBS settled with Cuomo last summer.)

What Mazur longed for at Countrywide was a role in developing the process by which loans were made. But he never had that kind of power. Wentz, the chief ethics officer, did have the power, but, says Mazur, as a lawyer, Wentz saw his job as providing advice and counsel to the business side-not telling them what to do. (Asked to respond, Wentz, who left Countrywide when Bank of America took over, downplays his being an attorney: "The key point is that the ethics officer be empowered to speak freely" in "a collaborative process with shared responsibility.")

Empowerment is nearly always the top priority of an ethics officer, says Mazur, but most feel they aren't accorded the respect they need to be effective. Ironically, the compliance officers who possess the most power often work at companies that were nailed for illegal conduct. Mazur experienced the phenomenon himself when he was regional ethics and compliance officer for Blue Cross Blue Shield in Denver. In pleading guilty to a charge of Medicare fraud in 1999, the company operated under a corporate integrity agreement that gave the ethics office real clout, he says, which it retained even after the agreement expired. According to Mazur, about 5 percent of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association's members have been assigned monitors under a deferred prosecution agreement, "and in most cases it's a good thing."

The U.S. Department of Justice apparently recognizes the benefits as well. Last year it entered into 16 pretrial agreements with companies, and required every one to adopt compliance reforms, which represented a big jump compared to prior years, according to an article to be published in May in Corporate Counsel Review, a journal produced by the South Texas College of Law. And, in a departure from the practice at most companies, the department often requires compliance chiefs to have the ultimate seat at the table by reporting directly to the board.

When a company's compliance function works well, outsiders may not notice. As Richard Cellini, a VP at consulting firm Integrity Interactive, Inc., observes: "No one sticks their head into the chief compliance officer's office and says, 'Hey, we're more compliant this month!' " But here's one of those seldom-told success stories: Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF), the New York-based teachers retirement system, had the skill, good fortune, or both to get out of subprimes at just the right time-thanks to its risk management team.

A few years ago, the company held a modest investment in CDOs. And Erwin Martens, the head of risk management, says there was nothing wrong with that. But in 2007 the team noticed that "the volume of these instruments started to grow very quickly," and they also had concerns about their quality. And it looked to them as though the securities were being slapped together to meet demand-and priced accordingly, which they saw as another bad sign. A good time to sell, they thought, so the company did-shortly before the securities tanked.

By design, Martens's team is an eclectic bunch. There are former traders, former money managers, Ph.D. quants, applied credit types. Collectively, they speak eight languages. Trained in computer science and economics himself, Martens has worked for various financial institutions in North America and Europe. And he cocaptained the University of North Dakota's NCAA ice hockey champions, which taught him a lot about teams. Their approach has stood the group in good stead, he says, and it's helped them secure the support of the board and the CEO to whom they report [see "They're Not Just Number Crunchers." ].

Is there a new appreciation for this work these days? A reality check comes from Vincent Kaminski, who hopes it's true but isn't so sure. Kaminski, who was a risk analyst at Enron Corp. and now teaches at Rice University, says that traders tell him risk management has been "elevated" since the crash. But many risk management departments are "Potemkin villages," he says. "They were set up to fail." The problems he perceives apply to compliance and ethics as well. Companies often marginalize them, and the departments are given responsibility but no authority. And sometimes they go begging for resources. At Enron, Kaminski's group didn't control its own budget so they had to find a corporate sponsor. And that permitted executives to limit their inquiries.

But wasn't the current crisis the product of a perfect storm that no one could have foreseen? Kaminski rejects this suggestion. "Some people in the financial industry saw the problems," he says. "But personal incentives were not aligned with institutional incentives."

That's the holy grail, of course: aligning all the right incentives. How does a company create such a culture? Erwin Martens thinks back to his championship hockey team. Every winning team has to develop a style that harnesses its talents, he says. First it takes the right kind of leadership. Then it takes people communicating effectively, and working together through inevitable obstacles. "It's easy to spot when you don't have it," he says. "It's hard to maintain when you do."

David Hechler
Corporate Counsel
April 01, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Another Subprime Class Action Dismissal: Plantiffs in for a Tough Road Ahead?

Last week Los Angeles federal district court judge John Walter dismissed a class action against the three top officials of the now defunct Downey Savings and Loan Association. In a concise 17-page ruling, Judge Walter found that the plaintiffs, represented by lead counsel Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins, failed to show that the defendants had made materially false or deceptive statements; failed adequately to plead scienter (despite evidence from 13 confidential informants and indications that the defendants had violated accounting standards); and failed to show loss causation. Two of the individual defendants were represented by Morrison & Foerster; the third by O'Melveny & Myers.

The important question is whether a pattern is beginning to emerge. Two huge subprime class actions--against Countrywide and New Century--survived motions to dismiss last fall. But they are beginning to seem like outliers. There was a dismissal of a Delaware derivative case against Citi board members and the dismissal of a securities class action against Impac Mortgage Holdings.

Judges in all three of the recent dismissals seemed strongly disinclined to hold defendants responsible for stock slides that could be attributed to an industry-wide collapse, absent clear evidence of fraud or intent to deceive. If that thinking turns out to be pervasive in the judiciary, plaintiffs are in for a tough road ahead.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Collection Lawsuits on the Rise

With the economy down, lawsuits against collection agencies in the Northern District of Alabama almost quadrupled, reports The Birmingham News. This past year, 158 lawsuits were filed against collection agencies and credit bureaus for violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, up from a scant 40 suits filed the year before. Moreover, the lawsuits aren't for technicalities such as giving a few days less notice than required by law. A large percentage of the disputes involve cases of mistaken identity or consumers who paid the debt but can't prove it.

But bill collecting seems to be a growth industry these days, with the collection division of Encore Capital reporting a 12 percent increase in collections for last year as well as a 26 percent increase in profits, according to the story. And as collection agencies thrive, so too do the lawyers who sue them, collecting attorney fees and costs when they prove FDCPA violations.

In spite of the increase in debt lawsuits, they account for just a tiny fraction of the 1 billion collection matters handled annually, the story says. Is that because collection agencies are getting it right -- or are consumers simply not aware of their rights against a collection agency that overreaches?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Beyond the Loan Modification: Options for Distressed Homeowners

Talk radio airwaves are inundated with ads peddling loan modifications as a panacea for mortgage woes. While loan modifications may be appropriate for some, loan modifications are in fact merely one of many ways a distressed homeowner may find relief. Moreover, loan modifications may be one of the more difficult and least successful tools a borrower can use to obtain relief.

Generally, loan modifications are appropriate when a borrower has faced long-term changes in income. If the borrower can make payments on an existing loan, but finds himself behind in payments and doesn’t have enough money to bring the account current, a loan modification is a good option. In some instances, a loan modification might also be appropriate when a borrower can't afford the current payment, but has a steady source of income that insures an adjustment to the loan will not be in vein. In such instances, a lender may agree to change the terms of the original loan to make the payments more affordable. In such instances, a loan could be permanently changed in one or more of the following ways: (A) adding the missed payments to the existing loan balance; (b) changing the interest rate, including making an adjustable rate into a fixed rate; or (c) extending the number of years you have to repay.

Lenders will often tack on fees associated with servicing the loan modification in a loan modification. Lenders may also demand an up front payment of between 5 and 50% of the arrears. With loan modification agencies charging fees up to $3,000 before it is clear what kind of deal a lender may demand, a borrower may pay $3,000 for a loan modification and not have enough cash left over to meet the lender’s demand.

Lenders are often reluctant to agree to loan modifications because such deals often mean lenders must agree to permanently reduced payments, basically resulting in a drop in revenues for the lender.

Rather than leaping blindly into a $3,000 loan modification negotiation that may not be successful, a borrow might want to explore other options, such as a partial claim.

If a mortgage is insured, a lender might help a borrower get a one-time interest-free loan from the mortgage guarantor to bring the account current. A borrower may be allowed to wait several years before repaying this loan. To qualify for a partial claim loan, a borrower’s loan must be between 4 and 12 months delinquent, and the borrower must be able to begin making full mortgage payments again. If the borrower qualifies, HUD will pay the borrower’s lender the amount necessary to bring the mortgage current. The borrower must sign a promissory note, and a lien will be placed on the borrower’s property until the promissory note is paid in full.

Another option to a loan modification is reinstatement. Lenders are always willing to discuss accepting the total amount owed in a lump sum by a specific date. Borrowers should explore this option before considering a loan modification because negotiations are usually straightforward and lenders typically require nothing more than the missed payments and late fees.

Forbearance is another possibility. With forbearance, the lender may allow a reduction or suspension of payments for a short period of time and then agree to another option to bring the loan current. A forbearance option is often combined with a reinstatement when the borrower knows she will have enough money to bring the account current at a specific time. Again, these negotiations are pretty straightforward and typically easy to settle because the lender is merely postponing payments rather than losing payments altogether.

A borrower will also want to consider obtaining a repayment plan. With a repayment plan, a lender may agree to allow the borrower to resume making regular monthly payments, plus a portion of the past due payments each month until the borrower is caught up.

Often, especially when a borrower is severely behind in payments, lenders may be hostile to the idea of a loan modification, particularly because the modification means the lender must reduce the interest rate or write off a portion of the principle. In such instances, a loan modification agency will not be able to adequately represent a borrower, and the borrower will need to confer with a litigation attorney familiar with foreclosure defense, unlawful detainer, and landlord tenant law.


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Desiree is a California attorney working at Washington Law Firm located in Century City at 1800 Century Park East, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Her email is